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The beauty of our existence is that no matter who we are or where we come from, we do not have to conform. You change your frequency, you change your world—simple as that. The ego, the belief that we are more important than someone else—that we are special while others are not—is a hindrance. Reality reflects not what we deceive ourselves to be but what we truly project. We influence the holosphere, moving events in the desired direction until our wants are fulfilled.

Whether we are 7 billion souls living on the thin skin of a spirit or traffic in the routine habits of life, we are afforded a world full of potential, lies in our insignificance. A person lives the life their environment dictates, but the immortal dictates their life, and the environment obeys. Accept this, and your world will change. You will become a concentration of fast creative potential, an orbit saturated with knowledge and the power of a vibrant life ready to be drawn upon—a vortex that attracts people and favorable circumstances, dissolving the illusionary barriers behind the scenes.

Nothing can be beyond the charge; what boundaries exist when all is connected? Your power will be magnified in patience and trust, knowing that events and circumstances are ruled by your thoughts, aligning toward you through repetitive positive thinking. More and more will be drawn into your life through your daily streams of thought and expectation, as your daily behavior reflects these thoughts. What you want is manifesting at any moment, on any day.

We are casting around us a magnetic image of what we think of ourselves. It is this image that creates our reality by magnetically attracting experiences that correspond with that pattern. After a period of suppressing negativity, you will no longer hesitate, and very quickly, your positive attitude will cause positive things to manifest out of negative situations. The holosphere responds to beliefs projected through your thoughts. Our deeply held convictions echo through space as circumstances.

Thoughts alone are insufficient; what one wants to be requires more. It has been said that belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses but an idea that possesses the mind.


December 2024